The patented form of infused green tea leaves.
Associated with decreased fat mass, as well as increased fat oxidation.
Shown to acutely reduce insulin secretion and improve insulin sensitivity.
A study of 33 subjects given Green Tea Catechins in capsule form saw an average 3.9% reduction in total cholesterol and a 4.5% reduction in LDL.
*Wang, H., Wen, Y., Du, Y., Yan, X., Guo, H., Rycroft, J. A., Boon, N., Kovacs, E. M.R. and Mela, D. J. (2010), Effects of Catechin Enriched Green Tea on Body Composition. Obesity, 18: 773–779. doi:10.1038/oby.2009.256
*Hursel, R., Viechtbauer, W., Dulloo, A. G., Tremblay, A., Tappy, L., Rumpler, W. and Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2011), The effects of catechin rich teas and caffeine on energy expenditure and fat oxidation: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews, 12: e573–e581. doi:10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00862.x
*Venables MC, Hulston CJ, Cox HR, Jeukendrup AE. Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation, and glucose tolerance in healthy humans. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:778–84.
*Batista, Gesiani de Almeida Pierin, Cunha, Cláudio L. Pereira da, Scartezini, Mariléia, von der Heyde, Raul, Bitencourt, Murílo G, & Melo, Sandra Fabrício de. (2009). Prospective double-blind crossover study of Camellia sinensis (green tea) in dyslipidemias. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 93(2), 128-134.